Sindwaye, Ndakomeye

SINDWAYE—NDAKOMEYE (I'm not sick—I'm fit) is a project (coded: EB/SN/01/23) that aims at supporting young girls to attend classes the whole month without interruption caused of menstrual periods.

Designed by Education plus Burundi (E+ B), this project was launched on January 21, 2023 in the Bujumbura province, Mutimbuzi commune, Rubirizi zone, in the quarter Gasenyi. Hosted by the Anglican Church of GASENYI, E+ B first led two themes towards 52 young girls. Entitled ‘I am responsible and bearer of solutions’ and led by Jean Marie Vianney Rukundo, this theme brought the young girls to develop their sense of responsibility by identifying the small problems around them and by planning their resolution. These young girls have been encouraged to be responsible for their future; hence their dreams must be broken down into goals and goals translated into actions.

Mrs Bénigne Idukurize led the theme SINDWAYE—NDAKOMEYE (I'm not sick—I'm fit). She challenged young girls to feel lucky despite the pain felt during menstruation, to take care of them before, during and after menstruation to avoid infections, and to take care of the environment by not throwing used menstrual pads anywhere. Thus, she continued, these young girls must develop mental acceptance of menstrual periods and ensure that they do not constitute a barrier to building their future.

The participants greatly appreciated these teachings and asked several questions. As for the participant, Cynthia, this kind of teaching was taboo until then, inadmissible to family discussions. Thus, she thanked E+ B and asked that such sessions be multiplied. Speaking in turn, Odette appreciated the motivation received and said she is ready to face the future and realize her dreams.

After the teachings, E+ B handed over menstrual pads to the head of the Church who in turn distributed two packages to each of the participants; something that the latter greatly appreciated especially since, they said, some of them have never had access to a modern menstrual pad. Sharing a Fanta, the Pastor in charge of the GASENYI parish warmly thanked E+ B who chose to launch its activities in this parish. And to add, the priorities of the Church include the holistic development of the young girl, therefore E+ B contributes effectively in the realization of this objective. He ended by wishing that this kind of program be reproduced in the future and be extended to other young girls in need.


Education Plus Burundi's overall objective is to contribute to quality education capable of equipping Burundian youth with the intellectual capacity to solve life's daily problems through critical thinking. To achieve this goal, the association has the following specific objectives

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